Lord of the Flies
Chapter 8 - Gift for the Darkness
"I brought you a cookie, but I eated it."

Perspective: Me!
Jack and the hunters go to hunt for meat, but I don’t think they had to be that brutal and savage when they went about killing it. They found a pig, a mother sow, they didn't pick an old on that'd lived a long life. But a young healthy sow that had children. Then when they attacked her, she got away. While they were tracking her, she lost a lot of blood. Then she was so far gone she collapsed. She probably would have died anyway, or she wouldn’t have struggled if they decided to just walk up and cut her throat. But instead they leapt upon her stabbing and stabbing, not caring where they hit, causing so much unnecessary pain. Jack, the prefect, who’s supposed to know best isn’t even trying to get meat anymore, he just wants to see blood, and doesn’t care if the death is quick. He paunched her, and Golding described the guts. It was just to bloody and violent. Plus this was being done by kids younger than me. Then he cut the head off so easily, and rammed it onto the stick, the other end protruding from the pigs mouth. It was too graphic, and the ending to violent, almost demoniac. Thing so unnatural should be tabooed. It’s not right, to kills something so horribly and mutilate its corpse, living things should be given respect, not used as leverage against fear. These boys are far from the demure boys they used to be.

The good and bad in the boys is done with the war and equality, now the bad is winning over, and swallowing up the good. Ralph cannot keep the littl’uns or the even Piggy away from Jack and his offers of leadership, and his treats.