Lord of the Flies
Chapter 10 - The Shell and the Glasses
"I tried to tell them"
Perspective: Simon

Where am I? What's happening? Ouch. Woah, I must be in heaven. The Lord of the Flies was right, they killed me. I tried to tell them the truth and they killed me. I should have listened to the Lord of the Flies, then I would have been able to tell them later. I should have waited. What am I going to do now? Wait, what's that noise? Is that Ralph and Piggy? What are they saying?
Thank god, they didn't have a hand in my murder. But what's with all this nervous questioning chatter? Wait a second, were they in the dance too? They were, weren't they? How did Piggy and Ralph join the dance? They went to the feast after all didn't they. When the dance started they couldn't resist joining it. Then they even heard my voice, and knew it was me but that didn't stop them. How could even Ralph and Piggy be coerced by the beast. Even they let go of their civilness, even they became savage. Why are they denying it? They have to accept the wrong that they did, that's the only way to fix it. They have to go tell Jack enough is enough. If they don't admit to killing me, what's the use of my death, they have to use it! They were there! They have to see it!
Jack's a monster, the supreme ruler of the beast. He has his Castle Rock, the home of evil. Why can't the others see reason? Why do they listen blindly to everything he says? He knows that they would stop following him if they thought the dance was anything other than a ritual. That if they thought they had actually killed someone, killed me, they'd be out of there. But he couldn't off the beast either, they need his protection if the beast is alive, otherwise they'd just go back to shelter with Ralph. All of them know it. But no one want's to speak up. It's all just easier for them to say it wasn't me, and it isn't dead. They're just taking the easy road.
Jack has Maurice and Roger in his grips.
They're going for the fire now. There is no fire, uh oh, Piggy, has to keep his glasses. No! Ralph and Eric think they're attacking the others, but they're attacking each other. They can't let Jack have the glasses. If Jack has the glasses he has a complete tribe, no one will question him ever, Jack holds all the chips, now I don't know how Ralph's going to pull it together and regain control.
Thank god, they didn't have a hand in my murder. But what's with all this nervous questioning chatter? Wait a second, were they in the dance too? They were, weren't they? How did Piggy and Ralph join the dance? They went to the feast after all didn't they. When the dance started they couldn't resist joining it. Then they even heard my voice, and knew it was me but that didn't stop them. How could even Ralph and Piggy be coerced by the beast. Even they let go of their civilness, even they became savage. Why are they denying it? They have to accept the wrong that they did, that's the only way to fix it. They have to go tell Jack enough is enough. If they don't admit to killing me, what's the use of my death, they have to use it! They were there! They have to see it!
Jack's a monster, the supreme ruler of the beast. He has his Castle Rock, the home of evil. Why can't the others see reason? Why do they listen blindly to everything he says? He knows that they would stop following him if they thought the dance was anything other than a ritual. That if they thought they had actually killed someone, killed me, they'd be out of there. But he couldn't off the beast either, they need his protection if the beast is alive, otherwise they'd just go back to shelter with Ralph. All of them know it. But no one want's to speak up. It's all just easier for them to say it wasn't me, and it isn't dead. They're just taking the easy road.
Jack has Maurice and Roger in his grips.
They're going for the fire now. There is no fire, uh oh, Piggy, has to keep his glasses. No! Ralph and Eric think they're attacking the others, but they're attacking each other. They can't let Jack have the glasses. If Jack has the glasses he has a complete tribe, no one will question him ever, Jack holds all the chips, now I don't know how Ralph's going to pull it together and regain control.
1 comment:
I like the format that you put it in and how he can't control what is going on. He is just figuring everything out. Also how you incorporated your own opinion into Simon's.
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