Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Journal #3

Chapters 8-9
Perspective: Uncle Jack

It was nice to spend Christmastime with Atticus and the kids. That Scout is such a tomboy, though I cannot say I am perplexed by the fact. Atticus has let them kids run wild all these years. The cursing is what surprised me. It seems learning these words is adjacent to being in school.

I guess Scout and Jem have been brought up better than that boy Francis though. I don't know how Alexandra brought up such a fanatical negro-hater. I'm glad Scout entrusted the truth to me, but I'm debating telling Atticus that his nephew thinks such things about him. Maybe give Fransis a little pat on the bottom as well.

All this business with Tom Robinson, it's rotten. There's no reason why an innocent man should go to jail. The kids'll go to hell as well, with all this Negro-Lover business. I just hope Atticus can handle what's to come.


Carly A. said...

Great job taking a charecter who we don't hear a lot about and really seeing from his perspective and getting into his head. Good job using the language he would use too. Maybe add a little more but other then that good job!

Killian H said...

I liked how you used the vocab words. Also how you added feelings to explain actions. You could have used more quotes and scenes form the book though.

Noah Dillard said...

you did great i don't think that this needed any impovements