Thursday, May 13, 2010

Journal #4

Chapter 9-12
Perspective: Mrs. Dubose

Those Finch's they went wild when their mama died. The poor thing. None else like their mama. Still, their daddy should have remarried after she passed. Those kids 'r wild ones. But who blames them when their daddy protects niggers and their kinds. It contradicts everything I've ever learned. Their lack of respect is hardly inconspicuous, they call their own father by his first name!

That Jeremy destroyed my camellias, that cantankerous boy! My babies, my poor camellias. All my bushes of snow-on-the-mountain. He's gonna pay he is. He'll read to me for it. For that last month of mine. Then it won't matter anymore.

Jeremy's reading are almost inaudible, in comparison to my hunger. I will defeat this disease. There is great evil in being a slave to drugs, there is no greater peril. But I will be rid of it, before the end. Just a little longer everyday. My camellias will grow back, they will be there, when I am gone. At least I know that.

The drug is gone I am-


Noah Dillard said...

it was great i would of made her more grouchy an stingy if i did it but i like how u went into her shoes and Imagen that the flowers where her kids.

Noah Dillard said...

It was great i liked how u made the flowers her kids, but i would of made her sound more stingy an grouchy, but that is me you did very well for your blog.

Carly A. said...

Wow, this sounds exactly like I think she would sound if you could get inside her head. Good job. I think you did a good job to portray her struggling with addiction. But this sounds like it was written in different time periods. It is slightly confusing. But overall good job.