"I've Only Got One Eye"
Ralph said he wanted a sign from the grown ups. I haven't seen a sign, I didn't see a dead aviator from a battle above the island drop down and land when I was sleeping. I don't know how the grown ups would get us a message anyway, all the way to our island. The only thing up on the mountain is that beast Samneric were talking about. The talk of the beast seems interminable, no matter what the conversation starts off as it ends with the beast, the beast is a monster, a leviathan from the ocean, the beast is a ghost, the beast doesn't exist! Now the beasts seen marching around the forest, with it's eyes, teeth, and claws, as Samneric put it. They came down the mountain, arms flailing, never diffident when describing the beast. There isn't a beast, there never has been, it's just stupid storys of stupid kids.
Now everyones gone off to hunt the beast that doesn't exsist. Everyone but me. I couldn't first of all I only have one eye, since Jack broke my glasses I really only have one. The others as good as dead, I can't see a thing without the glass. Then there's my asthma, I couldn't breath, it was horrible, and Jack points it out, as a weakness. Says I'm being protected, well someone had to be in charge of the littl'uns. He says sucks to the littl'uns. I say sucks to him. It seems me and Jack will always be embroiled.